International database

Find here a series of International Reference Titles.

ESG Guidelinefor Paper Sacks in Contact with Food (2020)
FoodDrinkEurope Guidelines on the safe use of paper and board made from recycled fibres for food contact use (Updated March 2016)
Food Drink Europe - Printed Cartons Guidance Document Version 2
Review of the Industry Guideline for the Compliance of Paper & Board Materials and Articles for Food Contact (PIRA report)
Food contact materials, health and food safety. European Commission.
Guidance on migration from packaging materials into food. (Consultation Draft Only) BRC/FDF and Campden BRI
European commission, Union Guidance on Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food as regards information in the supply chain
European commission, Union Guidelines on Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.
Risk assesment of non listed substances and non assesed substances
Analysis of the Cramer classification scheme for oral systemic toxicity
Practical guidelines on the application of migration modelling for the estimation of specific migration
Precision criteria of methods for the quantification of metals migrated from Food Contact Materials
Guidance for the identification of polymers in multilayer films used in FCM
Guidance for a food contact status declaration for adhesives
FINAT - conformity guide food labels
Applicability of generally recognised diffusion models for the estimation of specific migration
Applicability of mathematical modeling for the estimation of specimic migration
Testing approaches for the release of metals from ceramic articles
Non-harmonised food contact materials in the EU: regulatory and market situation
Glass Specific Guidelines
Food contact guidelines for the compliance of paper and board materials and articles
Migration Testing of adhesives intended for food contact materials