Operation Clean Sweep Certification Status Update.

The first stage of the certification of THRACE PLASTICS PACK S.A. - Ioannina Plant, according to the

requirements of the Operation Clean Sweep program by the external certification body LRQA (Stage I:

Documentary Evaluation), was successfully completed.

The Operation Clean Sweep program is an initiative aimed at improving awareness of the best practices

for the management of plastic pellets at each stage of the production and supply chain (producers,

converters, logistics companies, etc.) in order to achieve zero leakage to the environment.

Thrace Plastics PACK S.A. - Ioannina Plant, has signed the commitment for the implementation of the OCS

program and has taken action to achieve the following objectives:

1. Improve worksite set-up to prevent and address spills,

2. Create and publish internal procedures to achieve «zero pellet loss» goals,

3. Provide employee training and accountability for spill prevention, containment, clean-up and


4. Audit performance regularly,

5. Comply with all applicable local and national regulations governing pellet containment.

6. Encourage partners (contractors, transporters, etc.) to pursue the same objectives.

In the context of the implementation of the O.C.S. program, the company:

• Conduct a risk analysis on the identification of potential sources of plastic pellets spills.

• Monitor the quantities of plastic pellets spills/leaks through KPIs and the application of the Bowtie


• Records and investigates incidents of pellets losses.

• Seeks continuous improvement of measures to contain/minimize potential plastic pellets spills.

The implementation of the Risk Minimisation Methology (Bowtie) revealed the following results:

• Loss of 109.6 kg of plastic pellets to the environment for the last quarter of 2023

• Total amount of pellet loss per unit of throughput (LOSS/T): 0.004%

The company is currently awaiting the completion of its certification process in accordance with the

requirements of the Operation Clean Sweep program, with an on-site inspection of its facility by LRQA

(Stage II: Evaluation of the implementation of measures in site).

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